- When Lucas woke up this morning, I heard him singing Creep by Radiohead, and Roxanne by the Police in his room. I asked him how he knew those songs and he said he had been playing Rock Band at his mom's. So when I picked him up today, he wanted to show me, so we played together for a few songs and it was so much fun. He is totally getting a Wii for Christmas. :)
- He also had a blast being Iron Man for Halloween. I had a basketball game to announce that night so it was the first time in 7 years I haven't been able to take him trick or treating.
- When I was at the basketball game on Halloween, the staff at UG had dressed up in costumes, and Joe had the best costume I had seen in a long time. I walked in, and he's got a black sport jacket, black dress pants, a white shirt with the top buttons undone, and his hair, eyebrows, and beard, all dusted to look grey. I had no idea who he was until he held up a bottle of Dos Equis beer and smiled and said, "Stay Thirsty, My Friend." I was laughing so hard I was crying. I put this picture up in your honour.

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