Wednesday, August 13, 2008

August 13, 2008

- Lucas is healing remarkably quickly from a cracked collarbone...what a trooper.
- Is it bad for me to like women's beach volleyball so much?
- Ethel's Patio is the best patio in town.
- If S.O.S. BBQ ever goes out of business, I don't know what I'll do.
- Michael Phelps is awesome.
- Fishing and golfing with Lucas a couple of weekends ago was pretty much the best weekend ever.
- I'm not really that interested in Big Brother this summer. Only watching it on and off. First time in a while.
- The Cousins BBQ we had last week at Rob's house was a lot of fun. Wow, did he ever cook a lot of meat!
- Looking forward to dinner at Yummyaki next week with Val, Dan, Rob, and Nadia.

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